✨ How to simulate soft bodies in an unbreakable and very simple way.
delta_t_s <- delta_t / n while simulating for n substeps for all particles i vi <- vi + g·delta_t_s pi <- xi xi <- xi + vi·delta_t_s for all distance constraints C solveConstraint(C, delta_t_s) for all particles i vi <- (xi - pi)/delta_t_s end
solveConstraint(C, delta_t) for all particles i of C compute delta_x_i x_ <- x_i + delta x_i
- Solving a General Constraint
Compute the scalar value (same for all participating particles):
Compute correction for point as:
- C: Constraint function, zero if the constraint is satisfied
- : Gradient to C, how to move for a maximal increase of C
- : Inverse mass of particle i
- : Inverse of physical stiffness, stable for infinite stiffness( = 0)
Distance Constraint
Volume Conservation Constraint
xpbdSimulate() { const { physicsScene } = this; if (physicsScene.paused) return; const sdt = physicsScene.dt / physicsScene.numSubsteps; for (let step = 0; step < physicsScene.numSubsteps; step++) { for (let i = 0; i < physicsScene.objects.length; i++) physicsScene.objects[i].preSolve(sdt, physicsScene.gravity); for (let i = 0; i < physicsScene.objects.length; i++) physicsScene.objects[i].solve(sdt); for (let i = 0; i < physicsScene.objects.length; i++) physicsScene.objects[i].postSolve(sdt); } for (var i = 0; i < physicsScene.objects.length; i++) physicsScene.objects[i].endFrame(); if (this.grabber) { this.grabber.increaseTime(this.physicsScene.dt); } }
preSolve(dt, gravity) { for (var i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++) { if (this.invMass[i] == 0.0) continue; vecAdd(this.vel, i, gravity, 0, dt); vecCopy(this.prevPos, i, this.pos, i); vecAdd(this.pos, i, this.vel, i, dt); var y = this.pos[3 * i + 1]; if (y < 0.0) { vecCopy(this.pos, i, this.prevPos, i); this.pos[3 * i + 1] = 0.0; } } } solve(dt) { this.solveEdges(this.edgeCompliance, dt); this.solveVolumes(this.volCompliance, dt); } postSolve(dt) { for (var i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++) { if (this.invMass[i] == 0.0) continue; vecSetDiff(this.vel, i, this.pos, i, this.prevPos, i, 1.0 / dt); } }
- Solve Constraints
solveEdges(compliance, dt) { var alpha = compliance / dt / dt; for (var i = 0; i < this.edgeLengths.length; i++) { var id0 = this.edgeIds[2 * i]; var id1 = this.edgeIds[2 * i + 1]; var w0 = this.invMass[id0]; var w1 = this.invMass[id1]; var w = w0 + w1; if (w == 0.0) continue; vecSetDiff(this.grads, 0, this.pos, id0, this.pos, id1); var len = Math.sqrt(vecLengthSquared(this.grads, 0)); if (len == 0.0) continue; vecScale(this.grads, 0, 1.0 / len); var restLen = this.edgeLengths[i]; var C = len - restLen; var s = -C / (w + alpha); vecAdd(this.pos, id0, this.grads, 0, s * w0); vecAdd(this.pos, id1, this.grads, 0, -s * w1); } } solveVolumes(compliance, dt) { var alpha = compliance / dt / dt; for (var i = 0; i < this.numTets; i++) { var w = 0.0; for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var id0 = this.tetIds[4 * i + this.volIdOrder[j][0]]; var id1 = this.tetIds[4 * i + this.volIdOrder[j][1]]; var id2 = this.tetIds[4 * i + this.volIdOrder[j][2]]; vecSetDiff(this.temp, 0, this.pos, id1, this.pos, id0); vecSetDiff(this.temp, 1, this.pos, id2, this.pos, id0); vecSetCross(this.grads, j, this.temp, 0, this.temp, 1); vecScale(this.grads, j, 1.0 / 6.0); w += this.invMass[this.tetIds[4 * i + j]] * vecLengthSquared(this.grads, j); } if (w == 0.0) continue; var vol = this.getTetVolume(i); var restVol = this.restVol[i]; var C = vol - restVol; var s = -C / (w + alpha); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var id = this.tetIds[4 * i + j]; vecAdd(this.pos, id, this.grads, j, s * this.invMass[id]); } } }