

Here are some coding exercises that focus on basic physics simulations and animations.

Practicing these algorithms can help me gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles.

Ten Minutes Physics Tutorial

This project, inspired by Matthias Müller's "Ten Minutes Physics" tutorial, focuses on physically based simulation concepts like position-based dynamics, soft body simulation, cloth simulation, and fluid simulation. While Müller used JavaScript, I enhanced the implementation by using the React module, deepening my understanding of these concepts and honing my coding skills.

ThreeJS Gallery

Welcome to my 3D Web Project, a collection of interactive web pages featuring various three.js effects and animations. This ongoing project showcases the capabilities of three.js and explores the possibilities of 3D graphics on the web.

GAMES103-Physics-based Animation

This project is based on GAMES103, a Chinese course taught by HUAMIN WANG. The course covers four areas: rigid body simulation, mass-spring systems, FEM-based simulation, and fluid simulation. It differs from CSC417 and involves implementing assignments using C# in Unity. I've also exported the project as a WebGL build, allowing for web-based interaction.

CSC417-Physics-based Animation

This project is part of CSC417, a fundamental course covering mathematical and algorithmic techniques for numerical simulations of physical phenomena like rigid bodies, deformable bodies, and fluids. The showcase includes four assignments implemented in C++ on topics:

💥 1D mass-springs & 3D mass-springs

💥 3d FEM

💥 Finite Elements for Cloth Simulation

💥 Rigid Body Simulation.

Paper Reproduction
